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Stan Boreson - No Longer Performing
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Veteran Northwest Entertainer, Stan Boreson, is known as the "King of Scandinavian Humor." Along with his accordian and "Songs His Uncle Torvold Taught Him," Stan has tickled the funny bone of audiences of all ages wherever he appears. On a dare, he began doing scandinavian dialect songs by transforming popular american songs into humorous norwegian and swedish renditions. Over the years, his songs proved so successful that he has made numorous recordings and currently has fourteen CD's on the market. His latest album is entitled, "Ay Don't Give A Hoot" and contains some of his most requested songs. Included in this album are such gems as, "Blue Goose Snoose," "Swanson, Swenson, and Jensen," "Copenhagen Farvall" and the "Norwegian's Lament." However, audiences remember him the most for his Christmas songs which are now featured on two CD's, "Stan Boreson Fractures Christmas" and "Yust Go Nuts At Christmas." Stan travels throughout the United States and Canada, and recently as a special request for King Olav V of Norway.