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Michael Jay

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I've always felt variety is the key when entertaining, thus I've strived to be versatile.

My father was a musician. Sinatra was his favorite.

I began playing for money when I was 16. I'm older than that now. LOL

Although styles change, the basic truth is “Music is Forever.” Most people have an opinion about music. Some say “I like both kinds of music, Country and Western.” I'm not fond of whiny Country or Hip Hop. Although I've not played Hip Hop, I've played plenty of whiny Country. You do what you have to do.

I played and sang in Rock Bands, Cowboy Bands and Big Bands. I've worked in Duo's, Trio's, Quartets, Show bands, Dance bands, played Fairs, Concerts as headliner and backup band or opener! I played bass on two tours with Marty Robins.

There's no feeling equal to the curtain going up and seeing thousands of fans out there. It's awesome.

Well that's history, Now I play music, mostly by myself, sometimes with Jackie or maybe a guitar picker.
All of my music is professionally arranged, using synthesizer modules and drum machine. I take pride in the overall sound of my gear and my personal performance.