Tony Heller and Humphrey Bogart
Tony Heller has appeared frequently as a Bogart lookalike and sound alike at conventions and large parties as well as on television shows and commercials. These appearances have taken him from California to Casablanca, Morocco. He is a professional actor with many film, television, and stage credits listed in the attached resume. Through the study of articles, biographies, and the majority of Bogart's films, Tony has become an expert on this legend. He can quote many famous lines from CASABLANCA, THE MALTESE FALCON, and several other classic movies. At a party Tony is a three-dimensional Bogie, interacting with everyone and involving them in sophisticated banter from the films by using their own interests and attitudes.

The following are some highlights of Tony's career as Bogie:
Harry Winston - New York - MALTESE FALCON Press Conference with National & International Media
CASABLANCA Film Anniversary (Hollywood) CNN Worldwide
BREAK THE BANK (nationally syndicated game show)
American Cancer Society with Ann Jillian and Lyle Waggoner
Olympic Basketball Committee - Pickfair Mansion, Hollywood with David Wolper, Buddy Rogers, and other celebrities
SHOWTIME convention with Shelley Duvall
GUNS N' ROSES - Rose Bowl - VIP Casablanca party with special guests Billy Idol and Andrew Dice Clay
Harrah's, Lake Tahoe with Rosemary Clooney and Jack Jones
Las Vegas - Mirage, Hilton, and other major hotels
PLAYBOY Magazine feature
PALM SPRINGS LIFE, "As Time Goes By" eight-page feature
Casablanca, Morocco - Major Celebrity Engagement at Hyatt-Regency Hotel, covered by newspapers, magazines and television

Tony is also an emcee and has performed with Bacall, Bergman, and Hepburn Iook alikes on stage and television. He is considered to be one of the top Bogart impersonators in the world.